What Matters the Most

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Over the past six years, I have lost four longtime close friends and two special friends that were especially close to me during different seasons in my life when I resided in San Antonio. I miss each friend, and I celebrate loads of delightful memories. I often reflect on what I learned from each person. All 6 friends passed away before anyone would have predicted. From time to time, I hear many of us say, “we never know when we’re going to go, so we need to be ready.” But it’s usually only when someone unexpectedly passes away that we take this as serious as we constantly should. Last week, I had a very close friend suddenly and unexpectedly pass away. I want to share a story with you that truly matters more than anything else we can possibly imagine.

Three weeks before my ninth birthday, I rode 30 miles with my parents to attend a special service at the large Lakeview Christian Temple in Indianapolis. I’ll never forget this wonderful Wednesday on the first day of August. What a superb way to begin my month. I heard that it was going to be a very special event as Charles and Francis Hunter, known as The Happy Hunters, were going to be at this church to share their remarkable testimony. I loved it when I could listen to Christians enlighten us with their real-life stories. Francis had been a two-pack-a-day cigarette smoker who had been popular for having such a gravitating, but tainted sense of humor. While frequenting the bars, she used her big booming voice to belt out what were considered to be some of the best jokes in the building. However, when she gave her life to Jesus, everything changed for the very best. She was able to clean up her content, change her actions, but keep her wonderful wit. She and Charles became born again Christians with a passion to share their story of transformation with hundreds of thousands.

Many people I have talked to about being a Christian are fearful of taking on a dull personality because they are somehow deceived into believing they are required to lower their level of enjoyment in life. The Happy Hunters were on an exciting mission to prove that Christians can literally be the happiest people on earth, and they sure sold me. Even as a young boy, I was as intrigued as I could be by their humorous and inspiring stories. I desired a spiritual change in my youthful life. The Hunters had never been healthier or happier, and I sure was relieved that they didn't lose one ounce of their sense of humor and entertaining personalities. I asked Jesus Christ to become my Lord and Savior that night.

A few years later I understood God’s will more clearly, and was baptized in water for the remission of my sins. “What would Jesus do?” is one of my favorite bumper stickers. Though I regrettably do not always conduct myself in the best manner possible, I truly try each day to improve and to live life more in following in the steps of Jesus Christ the best I can. I am glad that we can wisely use the power of choice and free will that God has given us. It is a simple truth that if we let the Holy Spirit be our agent of salvation, everything for us will begin to improve.

Some people make choices to be takers and breakers. I am committed to doing my best to be a giver and a builder. I understand that I will not be perfect here on Earth, but I want to be as much like Jesus as humanly possible. For me sanctification has become a process of growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and how we should live our lives each day.

I can certainly make the following testimony after having known Jesus for more than 40 years. The times when I am truly trying with all of my might to live right, listen to the Word of God, pray often, make a positive difference with my example and workmanship, I absolutely enjoy many more green light days with more and more life situations going the right way.

I am happier and more productive when I put God first in my life. Yes, I recognize that there are good people who have not made this critical decision, which I am certain will affect the rest of their lives and eternity. Therefore, I want to prove with my best example that it is the greatest and most important choice to make for all of us. This is also my responsibility as a Christian, as nothing in the world is more important than this decision. Sometimes when I am having this discussion with someone, they will ask me, “What if all of this is a big fairy tale, and there is no such place as Heaven or Hell and we simply die when our life is done?”

So, let’s go ahead and imagine for a minute that Heaven and Hell are only a myth. Then, what are the advantages of being a Christian? Well for one, I have enjoyed integrating richer relationships into my life because of my distinctive decision to live as a Christian. My Christian friends have consistently proven time and time again that they are a great deal more dependable, and also abundantly more encouraging and helpful. Christians truly care more because Jesus Christ cared more, and we fortunately have complete access to Jesus’ glorious help in becoming more Christ-like. Our commitment ignites our improved actions and attitude.

I have complete hope that every non-believer will at least consider these few important life-changing reasons that I celebrate daily. It is not worth doubting the Bible and taking a gamble on our forever life. God has wonderful plans for our lives today, and for our eternity, but only  if we believe that, and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our savior. I want to do all that I am able to during my earthly life to prevent people from experiencing a horrible death and eternity in hell. It is simply a matter of choice.

Now, let’s look at the exciting side. I read and hear that Heaven will be greater than we can possibly see in our mind's eye. It will be an inconceivable forever celebration that we Christians will have with our Lord. And back to what if, even if there is not a Heaven or Hell, what do we really lose by doing our best to be Christ-like? No one could ever give enough reasons to forfeit our pleasurable eternity in Heaven with our best friend and savior Jesus, along with our large family of God. Is it worth taking a risk by being a nonbeliever? Thank goodness, many of us choose to say absolutely not. I personally believe I’m getting a much better quality deal right here on earth because of the choice I made over forty years ago.

When Christians read God’s word and pray several times each day, our creator’s way quickly becomes our way of living. He truly knows all. I am reminded of a verse from John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” My dad says, “If it is to be, it is up to He in me.”

I am a happier person when I follow God’s will. I try to stay away from situations that can become stumbling blocks for me. I enjoy a more joyful and fulfilled life, along with deep inner peace, when I offer my best to do what God desires me to accomplish. I realize that as long as I am here on earth, it is quite easy to trip up, especially if I make bad decisions and put myself in compromising, tempting, and disapproving surroundings.

Life is good and life is valuable. I believe I enjoy life so much because of the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. When I understood John 15:5, I also became excited by Philippians 4:13, which reads, “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”

Years ago, my dad found an appropriate Bible verse which he read to me that completely relates to our account of unquestioning teamwork. This verse is from Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind and strength; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.” Just as I trusted my earthly father's lead when we rode single bikes around town, I am learning more and more each day to trust in our heavenly father for more competent, caring leadership than we can possibly picture in our minds. I hope you will be in Heaven, because I certainly desire to meet you, as well as see you for the very first time. If you haven’t accepted Jesus, don’t wait and contemplate. Most of us have no way of knowing when our time to make this decision on forever will expire.

Blake Lindsay