Blake Leads Actor/Producer Panel at Champion Film Salon International Film Festival

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Life is good!

Thanks to my friend Hollis, who is founder and executive director of the inspiring non-profit organization called “To Be Like Me,” I recently got to meet Cary Sandoval. Cary is CEO of Champion Film Salon International Film Festival. I was honored when he asked me to be emcee and moderator for a producers and actors panel on equality in the film industry. At the festival, I was asked to guide the discussion with engaging questions and to relate my own thoughts and experiences. I was encouraged by the panel’s excellent responses and bright insights. It was enjoyable for Jennifer and me to meet and speak with these brilliant producers and actors.

Before the panel discussion, Jennifer and I had the opportunity to hear and see several short fascinating film clips on the big screen that were realistic representations of people with disabilities. For example, it accurately portrayed what it’s like to be blind, as well as other disabilities. This was truly one of those educational entertaining experiences we prefer to refer to as edutainment.

Thank you Cary and Nicole Sandoval for counting on me to deliver as your panel facilitator for this exclusive event that I will never forget. Please keep up your mission and passion that we greatly appreciate.

Blake Lindsay