Flashback: My Interview with The Dallas Morning News

The longer I am alive, the more great memories I gain. One of those occurred on July 4, 2018. I got to meet Stacy with The Dallas Morning News who met me at the Nasher Sculpture Center during an enjoyably busy day. She interviewed me and asked a question which I still feel enthusiastic about answering today: “Blake, what does it mean to be an American?” It was very easy to deliver an optimistic answer. I hope you can relate and appreciate my response to Stacy in this short article.

Blake Lindsay had been recording in-depth audio descriptions of the art pieces in the Nasher Sculpture Center for three hours. At noon, he linked arms with a museum employee to go to lunch. The light metronome-like “tap, tap, tap, tap” of his guiding cane introduced him to the room.

Blind since he was 9 months old, Lindsay can't see the art he describes. His audio recordings are meant to help other visually impaired people enjoy the art.

“It’s a country full of people that really care about those with disabilities,” he said of the U.S. “It’s just amazing to me how much people want me to live my life to the fullest.”

Lindsay, who lives in Dallas, credits technological advances for easing his access in life, from his text-to-audio keyboard to the Lyft app that he uses to get around. It’s these types of tools that have facilitated his many careers. He has worked in banking, with DART and as a voice actor and motivational speaker. He currently is communications director for Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind.

For years he was a radio personality at stations including KHKS-FM (106.1), which dubbed him Blazin’ Blake for his work blazing the way for people with disabilities.

Click here to see the full article.

Blake Lindsay